
You are about to decide about the future of the Concrete – non-democratic country located in the middle of Inotia. Read the information provided carefully. You will be given a role with specific tasks. The aim of this game is to, through negotiations and talks, prevent a civil war in Concrete and ensure a safe and peaceful transition from authoritarian to democratic country.

Situation now:

According to the preliminary results, President George Wilkos, won last week’s elections by a narrow margin. The president has now been in office for twelve years, after his father, Jonas Wilkos, finished his service, after ruling the country of Concrete for twenty years. Shortly before he died, he appointed his son, George as the leader of the Communist Party, which has been in power for forty years. Reports from international human rights groups state that the president has frequently violated human, democratic and civil liberty rights, even more so during the elections period. President Wilkos changed the constitution of Concerete to be able to serve for fourth term, as the document has originally out ruled such a possibility.
The opposition, which is highly divided, managed however to appoint their own candidate to run against Wilkos – Andrew Kasis. After the results have been announced to the public, Kasis has openly brought forward allegations of fraud and intimidation of the voters by militia groups in front of polling offices. Elections rallies by the opposition have been brutally disrupted by the police and access to the media has been denied to Kasis and his team. However, Kasis has called on his supporters to protest against the results. One million protesters followed his call and gathered in the capital city of Concrete – Slaton. There were also riots happening in Marik, region of country which strives for independence from Concrete.
State of Concrete lies on the Inotian Continet, is however not a member of the Inotian Union. The IU comprises 15 member states, which have committed themselves to the promotion of democracy and human rights on the continent. Three IU-member states share borders with Concrete: Lavland, Kroypen and Redland.
A small group of officers were sent by the IU to monitor the elections in Concrete. They have claimed significant irregularities.
Until now, president Wilkos ensured the unity of Concrete. With harsh and brutal actions, he prevented a break up along ethnic lines. However, the minority group from Marik region strives for a united state of “Mariksa”, together with the Marikan population living in the neighbouring Kroypen. Candidate Kasis, declared that, if he wins election, he wants Concrete to join the IU as well as, he will offer far reaching autonomy rights to the Marik region. As a result, the government of Kroypen is deeply concerned.
Some IU-member states have close bilateral economic and political relations with Concrete. Especially Lavland is strongly involved in the economy of Concrete.

Next step:

The people of Concrete are on the streets, demanding free and fair elections and change of regime. Your task, as the most important people in Concrete, Inotian Union and the neighbouring countries is to try and reach a common resolution that will prevent fights and civil war. Remember, poltics is not always a clean game and some people may have hidden intentions.
You have 45 minutes to negotiate with other people. In the end, you will meet at the General Assembly of the Inotian Union, where you will discuss further steps. Time pressure is on, due to the potential outbreak of violence in Concrete. In the General Assembly of the IU, Concrete will represented by President Wilkos and two members of the opposition. Within the opposition groups, you have to decide who will you appoint to represent you best. Other countries: Lavland, Redland and Kroypen will be represented by their prime ministers. The general assembly will be facilitated by the Chairman of the IU.

  1. George Wilkos, president of Concrete. You have been president of the country, as well as, the leader of the ruling, Communist Party for many years now. You are a hard-liner, strongly beliving in Marksist ideology. Your goal is for Concrete to stay a non-democratic country, where all power is in your hands. You are very suspicious and trust no one. You are against Marik region to be independent, you also try to limit the influence of Kasis and his supporters on the inhabitants of Concrete. 
  2. Andrew Kasis, leader of the opposition in Concrete. You come from an intellectual and academic background and like to call yourself a Christian-democrat. You have good connections with church, however the labour unions, who are opposing the Wilkos regime, don’t perceive you as the leader of the opposition in Concrete. Your good friend in Eduardo Leas, the leader of the Marik region. Marik supported you in elections, because you promised them authonomy. Your role model is Bishop Henrique. 
  3. Michael Bork, leader of the labour unions. You are a factory worker, with no education, yet with great charisma. You started the general strike in the coal factory near the capital city of Concrete – Slaton, when the government, again, didn’t raise the salaries of workers. You are zealous Catholic and the church is supporting you in your work against Wilkos.
  4. Andrea Kleo, closest associate of Michael Bork. You write his speeches and organize meetings. Bork trusts you and confides in you. However, during the elections period your mother got really sick. You didn’t have money to pay for her medications. You were approached by the Security Police of Concrete – they offered you full treatment for your mother in hospital in Lavland in exchange of spying for them and giving them all information about Bork and the opposition in labour unions 
  5. Maria Rozenberg, chairwoman of the Communist Party, one of the most influential person in Concrete. Loyal to Wilkos, you are also the chairwoman of the Security Police. You are in possession of personal files of all important people in the country, both from the ruling side, as well as, the opposition. Your task, appointed by Wilkos, is to find information about Kasis, which would get him out of the way.
  6. Eduardo Leas, leader of the authonomous movement of Marik. You cooperate with Kasis, however, you don’t care so much about changing the regime in Concrete. Your main goal is to get independence for Marik region and create a Marik state, together with Marikian minority living in Kroypen. To achieve this goal, you collaborate closely with Fernando Pon, leader of Marikian minority in Kroypen.
  7. Stewart Nan, high-ranked officer of Security Police. Maria Rozenerg made you responsible for collecting incriminating materials about Bork and the labour unions. Your operation contact in labour unions is Andrea Kleo.
  8. Felipe Kaustas, general of the Concrete Army. You were appointed by Jonas Wilkos, whom you have admired as perfect leader. You think his son, president George Wilkos is too soft with the opposition. You have nothing against using power and violence, especially towards representatives of the labour union and church. You are in conflict with Maria Rozenberg as, in your opinion, the Security Police has too many prerogatives. You look for a way to get Rozenberg out of the picture.
  9. Fernando Pon, leader of Marikian minority in Kroypen. You are distantly related to Eduardo Leas. You work together to build a new, independent state of Marika. You are young idealist, with no experience in politics. You believe in peace, negotiations and you hate fighting and wars. 
  10. Bishop Henrique, head of the church in Concrete. You are very influentuial amongst the opposition, as you support them by letting them use the church properties (houses, meeting rooms etc.), as well as, because you sponsored the campaign of Kasis. You are Kasis’s mentor and promoter and his closest associate. You want your country to be democratic and full-time member of IU. You have personal resentment toward Wilkos family, as Jonas Wilkos has sentenced your father to dealth penalty shortly after the war, for collaboration and not wanting to join to Communistic Party. You think that more people would be attracted to the opposition, if Bern Tomas was cooperating with you and the church. 
  11. Anna Wit, the most influential journalist in Concrete. You are loyal to Wilkos. You are preparing a series of defamatory article about Kasis. You need to find his enemies, who are willing to tell you some secrets about him. 
  12. Dorothea Wilkos, daughter of George Wilkos. You are the president of the youth association by the Communist Party and member of Board of the Communist Party. You believe in the ideology, however, you see that your country needs democracy and changes. You try to organise a movement inside the Communist Party, which aims at carrying out a peaceful revolution in Concrete and, as a result, establishing a democratic regime in the country. You look for allies within the party, but also outside: you see great potential in the intellectual opposition and try to cooperate with them.
  13. Markus Yel, proffesor of philosophy at the State University in Slaton. Apart from your academic career, you are the leader of the intellectual opposition in Concrete. The movement is not well-organized. You also don't see the potential neither in Kasis nor in Bork. You are willing to cooperate with Dorothea Wilkos. 
  14. Adam Henson, vice-president of the youth association within the Communist Party. You are the closest associate of Dorothea Wilkos. You are loyal to her and support her actions and plans. 
  15. Martha Stan, officer of the Security Police. Maria Rozenberg appointed you with the task of infiltrating the milieu of Dorothea Wilkos and her associates in order to collect information about their actions. Rozenberg is afraid that Dorothea Wilkos might actually persuade members of the party to start a peaceful revolution and change the regime and she wants to prevent that. This is why you need to inform Rozenberg about young Wilkos's plans and who she cooperates with. 
  16. Maria Cruz, prime minister of Lavland. Even though, your country is member of the IU, you have strong economical bonds with Concrete. You know president Wilkos for many years and in your best interest is to have him as the president. After the elections, you have called president Wilkos to assure him about your ongoing support. In private message you have also mentioned that you are willing to support him with your soldiers, should the riots get stronger on the streets. 
  17. Antonio Renes, prime minister of Redland. Your country sees itself as promoter of human rights, peace and demcocracy. You can't stand the fact that Concrete, not only isn't member of the IU, but also is a non-democratic state. Your mission is to help the opposition in Concrete and make sure a peaceful revolution turns Concrete into a democratic state. Since you are an atheist, you don't support the opposition connected with the church in Concrete. You are however, supporting Markus Yel and, most recently, Dorothea Wilkos. In your opinion, those two leaders should be driving force of changes in Concrete and you offer them your help in support.
  18. Andras Toti, prime minister of Kroypen. Your coutry has a problem with Marikian minority, which is demanding independence and cooperates with Marikians living in Concrete. Your aim is to guarantee the stability and integrity of your country. In your sitaution, it would be better to maintain the status quo of Concrete. 
  19. Anushka Livman, leader of the radical youth movement of Concrete. You don't belive Wilkos family, you are disappointed with the opposition, which is constantly fighting between each other. You try to organise a movement, which would gather young people of Concrete and start to be a new political power on the scene. You see potential in Bern and try to win him for your cause.
  20. Bern Tomas, student of arts from Slaton. You were taking part in the demonstrations after the elections and got shot by the army. Shortly after, you were proclaimed as a hero and role model. Even though, you had no experience in politics, you became a symbol of the struggle against Wilkos's regime. Leaders of opposition are trying to persuade you to cooperate with them.  
  21. Bishop George, closest associate of Bishop Henrique. You have been cooperating together for many years. However, for past few years you had the feeling that Bishop Henrique worked more with and for Kasis. Since one year you are a secret agent of the Security Police and you give all information of Bishop's activity directly to Maria Rozenberg.
  22. Erika Oses, personal doctor to George Wilkos. You have been treating Wilkos for ten years now. You are the only person, who knows that Wilkos has terminal cancer and will die in next six to twelve months. You need to decide who will you share this information with, as it might be very important and can change the whole situation of Concrete. 
  23. Sigmund Rew, member of the Board of the Communist Party. You are loyal to President Wilkos and Maria Rozenberg. You are afraid of any changes and will cooperate with anyone to  make sure that Concrete stays as it is now. 
  24. Greg Fizer, young journalist. You are new in the newspaper, bt your job is to report about the riots taking place in the capital. You want to make sure you do your job right as it might be a start of your career. You want to get some breaking news, therefore you need to talk both with the regime, as well as, the opposition. Remember, sometimes people who seem unsignificant, can know a lot! 
  25. Nena Glovac, lecturer at the Philosophy Faculty, protegge of Markus Yel. You are supporting him in his opposition work, however, you are against him cooperating with Dorothea Wilkos. 
  26. Ursula Frank, chairwoman of the National Bank of Concrete. You are aware the Concrete's scomony is in a terrible state. The only way to rescue it, is to get a loan from the IU. Your task is to persuade president Wilkos to support democratic changes in Concrete, as it  is the only way for the IU to support the country's ecomony.  



Oppose a debate in which each person defend interests in order to find the best solution for the whole group (which is not the same as the best for the majority).


75 minutes


An old textile industry is placed in the middle of the hood. The industry is still working, but is not profitable. The city council wants to buy the place and build there some alternative. City representatives call delegates of different collectives in the hood to gather suggestions on what to do with the old factory.  The old factory has 500 square meters and the budget is 500.000 Euros. 


How has been the debate developed? Has it satisfied all the final decision? What attitudes of cooperation, competition, negotiation has been among people? How the decision is taken (by vote, consensus, etc..)? Did you encounter new and creative alternatives, etc..?


  1. Infantile basketball team: There is an important kid basketball team in the Hood but no place for training. The team is training in the high school ground. The team made an agreement with the school trainer and the football coach and all of you have decided it´s the moment to build playgrounds in the hood to promote the infantile sport. Only the playground in the high school is useful but is a crowded. There´s a private sport club in the hood but is too expensive. You ask for build a new sport complex in the old factory. 
  2. Independent Worker Union: Six workers are still working in the factory installation. They want to maintain their job even though the factory is not profitable at all. They suggest investing the budget for developing the factory installation and increasing the production.
  3. Women collective: Long time ago mid age women formed a collective aiming to develop formative activities, workshops… The collective runs vindicating actions against gender discrimination. Currently the collective has a local in the civic center. Anyway, the civic center is far away and the public transport connection is really bad. That is why some of the women can´t got to the meetings. The collective wish an own local. 
  4. Human Rights NGO: The neighborhood is undergoing a period of economic crisis. Many families are being evicted from their homes. The unemployment rate is high and each day the number of people with no income to pay for food. The NGO plans to build factory in a dining and social housing.
  5. Parent-Teacher-Student Association: they´re aware of the problems that children with difficulties have in completing secondary education and provide alternative routes considered vital to those offered by the school. The association proposes to create a youth employment center in the neighborhood, which could be a school workshop and provide job placement services for youth. They believe that this is an important measure to prevent drug abuse and youth unemployment. In addition, this service could also help middle-aged people in the same situation, because, despite not being a majority group exists and should be supported.
  6. Ecologists in Action: Ecologists wish a park with trees and a small pond with a bridge where go walk. They want small fields to plant organic gardens. They suggested to tear down the factory aiming for more green space. 
  7. Youth Class Representative: Youth are bored of having to meet in the street. This situation severely limits them to do activities. Furthermore, they´re suffering the police repression (one of their main hobbies are the graffiti). They have many ideas but few resources to promote them: they want to build a radio station, organize a continuous program of concerts with neighborhood groups, etc. The civic center is far away and they don´t have their own space. Youth Class claims a youth center where they can participate in organized activities. 
  8. Cinema Association: Only one cinema is working on the neighborhood but is old and small. The retirees and kids from the hood loves cinema. In the last year, both retirees and kids are increasing in number. The cinema association thought it is the perfect moment to build a new cinema satisfying the wishes of both kids and retirees. 
  9. Third Age Social Center: There is increasing retirees in the neighborhood and the third age house has become too small. The house doesn´t have any openair and the closest park  is  one kilometer away. Your suggestion is to use the factory space to build a new retirement house with open spaces.
  10. Small Business Association: Small business in the hood has serious economic problems for paying the locals. The old market installations are not useful anymore and the little business association is convinced that the lonely chance to improve the situation is to create new market installations ceding the locals to the business. Take advantage over others to build the new market.
  11. Skater colective: The amateur skaters are feding up about complains against their activity in the hood´ streets. The closest skatepark is in the neighbor city. Usually their families forbid them to go till there. The collective is planning a campaign in high school to use the public money and the space to build the skate park. 
  12. True believers of “X” religion: In the neighborhood there is only this group. Lately the believers have many problems to continue working in the civic center and are looking for other place to meet. Furthermore, they believe that if they were in a public place, it would target more children from outside. It has 150 enrolled. The group has always been one of the entities involved in the neighborhood working with the city council and the third age center. Believers think that if the city council build new public facilities, they should be considered as the proper group to have a local. 
  13. Migrant Collective: Lately the neighborhood is receiving migrant population. Immigrants complain about inferior treatment they receive from the institutions. They don´t have any place to meet. They meet in large groups in the neighborhood streets. The native population suspects their activities. The police constantly registers them assuming that some of them are illegal or are dealing with drugs. They think that this situation would be solved if they had a place to meet.
  14. City Council Representatives: Introduce the situation, round for suggestions and arguments and moderate the debate. 

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